A few years ago, whilst living in Berlin, a housemate hurriedly called me out to the back garden. I rushed to join him and he pointed out a family of red squirrels.
“Okay…” I said, “I think I’m gonna need a bit more information here Dan.”
“They’re red squirrels! Red ones!”
For a second I was confused, I’d been in Germany for some time and beautiful as they were, the red variety of squirrels, as opposed to their grey cousins, were no longer a rare sighting and I’d developed an immunity to their particular brand of cuteness. For Dan, however—having just moved over from the UK where we’d both grown up—this was his first encounter with them. Thinking back now, I really wish I’d have enjoyed them more, not only them but also the foxes, the food, and the friends I left behind. When we’re in the midst of habits it’s so easy to take them for granted, so much so that when they go away, it can feel impossible to recover.
For seven months I published articles on a set schedule and only ever missed two or three self-set deadlines, usually to meet the demands of other publications or to edit SEND magazine. Then we moved and I told myself that just a week out of the habit would be fine, that I’d be able to kick back into gear when things settled down again. Three weeks on, the dust has settled somewhat—much to the delight of my allergies—but my habit remains as elusive as the lesser spotted red squirrel.
In an attempt to inject some much-needed fuel into the tank—which is brave in this economy—I’ve sat down to write this article. I don’t know what I’m writing, but I’m writing, and that’s okay.
I believe this is Article #65 or so, it’s hard to keep track as I often release two or three together as one newsletter, but I think after seven months of writing consistently, I’m happy it’s taken me this long to lose my grip. It’s also taught me to trust that God really does know best, the Articles I’ve written since coming to live in Reading have been out of the ordinary and I wasn’t happy with them before I released them, but all in all, they’ve been two of my highest performing articles in a while. God has reminded me that when all is said I feel undone, He’s the one putting my pieces back together. There’s really no point me writing anything unless I’m relying on Him, and this is as good a time as any to be reminded of that.
This is all I’m going to write for today, it’s not much, but it’s a start.
It’s been a good seven months and I’d love it if you would write down in the comments section which article you’ve enjoyed the most during that time, or take a moment to share that article on social media. I’m so thankful when anyone shares an article, a book review, or a bible study, and I hope that others are thankful you’ve shared it too.
With that said.
Grace and Peace,
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