I’d like to know about your salvation experience, maybe a little about your family. But what I really want to know is are you related to Leonard Ravenhill?
Thanks for this, I'll definitely include some of that.
I'm asked that all the time, and as much as I wish I could say yes, I'm afraid not. I have a great deal of the respect for the man, but I can't claim any relation!
Well, I too am enjoying the Milton read-along and considering how good and evil are presented (CS Lewis said it was much easier to represent evil than good in his fiction).
It would be delightful to hear more of you - but it seems unfair; perhaps you should ask that if it's who voted such too tell you about ourselves (or perhaps your would find that long-winded and tiresome)
It so happens they as an occasional preacher, I'll be preaching next Sunday from the rest of Philippians 4, so I was glad to see the run up to it here, and yes, I need my vision lifted. I enjoy history, but sometimes it is full of wickedness.
I’d like to know about your salvation experience, maybe a little about your family. But what I really want to know is are you related to Leonard Ravenhill?
Thanks for this, I'll definitely include some of that.
I'm asked that all the time, and as much as I wish I could say yes, I'm afraid not. I have a great deal of the respect for the man, but I can't claim any relation!
Thanks for the shout!!
You're most welcome!
What a good reminder, thank you for this! I also want to hear more about you!
Well, I too am enjoying the Milton read-along and considering how good and evil are presented (CS Lewis said it was much easier to represent evil than good in his fiction).
It would be delightful to hear more of you - but it seems unfair; perhaps you should ask that if it's who voted such too tell you about ourselves (or perhaps your would find that long-winded and tiresome)
It so happens they as an occasional preacher, I'll be preaching next Sunday from the rest of Philippians 4, so I was glad to see the run up to it here, and yes, I need my vision lifted. I enjoy history, but sometimes it is full of wickedness.
....Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples the upright heart and pure,
Instruct me.... (John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I, 17-19)
(That quote of Milton I have over my writing desk.)
And yes, Adsum, I'd like to hear more of your story.