The Raven's Writing Desk
The Raven's Writing Desk Podcast
The Day is Coming
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The Day is Coming

Featherlight Devotionals - Malachi Final Week - Malachi 4:1-6

One Question for You Before Today’s Devotional

This is the last instalment in the Malachi Series! Whether you’ve listened to them all or this is your first one, I hope these devotionals have been fruitful.

I already have plans for the rest of 2024 that I hope you’ll love, and then in the new year we’ll be working through the book of Ecclesiastes. I’d love to hear your thoughts about what I might do differently come January—feel free to leave a comment below—but for now I just have one question.


If you have any other thoughts, please do leave a comment below this article:

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Imagine you found some weeds in the communal garden at work. You go to the front desk, notify them, and minutes later you see a member of staff head over to deal with them. They lean down, clip the weeds at ground level, and walk away.

No more weeds.

None that you can see anyway.

You and I both know what happens next.

In the new heavens and the new earth there will be no weeds.

In today’s passage—the final passage in Malachi and in the Old Testament—we read about the day on which God will deal with every one of them. He will not just clip away the stems, or the leaves in view. He will deal with the whole plant, root and all.

Throughout this book, Malachi has held a mirror up to the world. At the micro and the macro levels, he has reminded us just how much evil there is out there. More than that. He has reminded us how much evil there is within our hearts.

In the previous chapter, we read about the fire of the Lord. “He is like a refiner’s fire” we read, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver.” When a jeweller wants to extract gold from an imperfect sample, she burns, melts, and pulls away everything that does not shine and glow like gold should.

On the day of judgement, all who are righteous will remain like gold. Everything else must separated out. There is just one issue. None are holy. None are righteous.

How then shall we stand?

The final page of Malachi in your Bible is likely thin enough that Matthew is all but visible beneath. This passage is much the same. It speaks of a sun of righteousness that will rise, with healing in its wings. When it comes, it offers new life. Then, leaping like freshly born calves, God’s people leap above the ashes. Not because of our own strength, or our own sinlessness, but his.

As you read today’s passage, dwell on the fire.

Think about the refiner, and his goodness.

1. Reading

First, read or listen to the passage quickly. Then, slow down, allowing the words to sink in, as you read it a second time prayerfully.

“For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts.

“Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel.”

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”

Malachi 4:1-6 ESV

2. Silent Reflection

Now, the hard bit. 60 seconds to pause and reflect.
Close your eyes, sit in silence, and consider these questions:

- What would it look like if every father on earth was filled with love for their sons?

- How does the new life of the Lord affect you on a daily basis?

- How will you dwell on the day to come, in the days ahead?

You don’t need to restrict yourself to these questions.
Just let the Spirit guide you in this time of reflection.

3. Prayer

Let’s now enter into a time of prayer. Here’s a prayer based on today’s passage:

Lord God,

The day is coming, when you will judge
the living and the dead,
the Jew and the gentile,
the righteous and the wicked,

That day will cleanse me like a refiner’s fire,
and it will burn away the evil from the world,
It will leave neither the root nor branch,
Your mercy and your judgement are perfect.

Give me a right fear of you and your name.
Bring before my eyes the sun of righteousness,
Which shall rise with healing in its wings.
We shall rise too on that day,
Leaping and bounding for joy,
Leaving behind the wickedness of this world,

Teach me your law, Lord,
Let me ever walk according to your statutes,
By the power of the Spirit,
Exhibiting his fruits,
Exercising the gifts you have given me,
Exhorting, teaching, and discipling others along the way.

Turn the hearts of fathers to their children
and the hearts of children to their fathers.

Let us be known by our love for one another, Lord.


Take a moment to continue in your own words.

Let this prayer guide you into a deeper conversation with God.

4. Contemplation

This is our final week in the book of Malachi. What have you learned so far? Which verses stood out to you? Is there anything you hadn’t previously considered?

If you have read along with these devotionals, but haven’t been writing anything down, this is your last chance. Take a pen, and a scrap of paper, and think of something to write. You could stick it to your mirror, or on your dashboard. Whatever you do, make a commitment to try and dwell on this throughout the week, and the weeks to come.

Take a second to reflect.

Write it down.

Feel free to reach out with any other questions you might have, or leave a comment to discuss further.

Thank you for joining me this morning. May God’s Word continue to guide and bless you throughout your week.

Grace and Peace,

Recommended Media of the Week

Earlier this year I wrote a piece called “Here’s How You Should Vote” and as yet another election is taking place this week, this is first on my list of recommendations today. Whether you’re voting or not, take a minute to think about how you think about voting as a Christian.

The Raven's Writing Desk
Here's How You Should Vote
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has some answers for us, and quite possibly, a challenge.

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The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Parable for Our Secular Age
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Finally, check out this piece from

. It is an excellent reminder to think carefully about the things we buy, and why we do so.

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